por admin | mar 4, 2020 | English
Madrid Protocol On October 2nd, Madrid Protocol entered into force in Brazil. Decree nº. 10,033 of October 1, 2019 And what is Madrid Protocol? It is a treaty that facilitates the registration of trademarks internationally. How does the treaty do this? Through a...
por admin | mar 4, 2020 | English
Protection of a patent is restricted to the country chosen by its holder. When there is an interest in the production or marketing of the patent technology in other countries, it is necessary to deposit translated copies of this application and each country will be...
por admin | mar 4, 2020 | English
Non-patentable Matters Did you know that some materials cannot be patented in Brazil? These matters are provided for in articles 10 and 18 of the Industrial Property Law (IPL) What is not an invention? (Art. 10 of LPI) What is not patentable? (Art. 18 of LPI) And what...
por admin | mar 4, 2020 | English
Do you know the conditions for a patent to be granted? To be granted, a patent must meet three requirements: Industrial application Novelty Inventive activity Industrial Application The invention must be usable or produced in any type of industry. That is, it must...
por admin | mar 4, 2020 | English
Resolutions 240 and 241/2019 published in Industrial Property Magazine nº 2531 of July 9, 2019 aim to reduce the delay in the examination of patent applications in Brazil. The merit exam will be more agile by publishing requirements 6.21 (requests with search and...
por admin | mar 4, 2020 | English
What is a patent? It is a title that allows exclusivity to an innovation for a certain time. What does it mean? The patent holder is the only one who can economically exploit the invention. Why is this title granted? The patent is granted in exchange for the inventor...