Madrid Protocol

On October 2nd, Madrid Protocol entered into force in Brazil.

Decree nº. 10,033 of October 1, 2019

And what is Madrid Protocol?

It is a treaty that facilitates the registration of trademarks internationally.

How does the treaty do this?

Through a single application to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) it is possible to apply for trademark protection in up to 120 countries at the same time.

WIPO forwards the registration application to each country of interest that will perform the trademark examination in accordance with local law.

This international trademark filing provides the possibility of filing a trademark in several different classes.

Classes divide products and services into categories, and you can now register the same brand in different classes at once.

Among the advantages of centralized process management we can consider

1 – Only one language for procedure

2 – Only one currency to pay official fees

3 – Lower costs and bureaucracy

4 – Single process for multiple classes (multiclass system)

5 – Possibility of registration co-ownership

Attention. Although it is a single application, registration application review will still be performed by each country independently.

Thus, registration time is more predictable and easier for depositors.

I9PI team is ready to assist you in this process. Contact us.